The program is intended to
provide school counselors with the
professional and technical ability
to help them identify students who
may have tried/used cigarettes,
alcohol or substances, to help in the
and to aid in the implementation
of effective responses and regular
Under the OBM, which provided
implemented as a pilot project, 232
implementers received training
in February in accordance with a
protocol concludedwiththeMinistry
of National Education. A total of
3,086 interviews were conducted
with 1,233 students by implementer
teachers between February and
June 2019. While some of these
students have subsequently quit
smoking, drinking and substance
abuse, others are still within the
interview and follow-up process.
Green Crescent Life Skills
Education Program
Green Crescent Life Skills Education
outcome and skill-based activities
that empower young people and
help them gain the necessary
skills to protect themselves from
substance abuse. Featuring a wide
range of content, the program
promotes positive and adaptive
develop psychosocial skills that can
reduce risks and increase protective
factors. The main objectives of the
program are to prevent substance
abuse, to delay the age at which
substances are first tried/used, to
lower the risk factors for substance
abuse and to strengthen the
protective factors. Green Crescent
Life Skills Education Program was
prepared for 7th grade students,
and includes also reinforcing
activities for 8th grade students.
Starting in September, Life Skills
Education Program courses will be
delivered as a pilot project and then
disseminated in schools.
The program aims to create an
environment in which students
can come together and learn from
each other’s perspectives and
experiences. During the program,
students learn by observing, talking
to, interacting with and exchanging
ideas with each other. Supported
with educational games and drama
activities, the program contains
narrated problems and case study
situations that the target age group
may encounter in real life.
The program has been
developed as a secondary
prevention and response
approach, aimed at
students who are at the
phase of trying/using
cigarettes, alcohol or