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Family is the first placewhere children learn to be a

good follower of themedia. Parents should outline the

programs that their children canwatch, magazines they

can read and the Internet sites they can access; they

should guide their children on thismatter. Experts say

that children engrave everything in their subconscious

between the ages of 0 and 6 andmake these things a

part of their personalities after awhile; therefore, com-

mercials should be kept away fromchildren’sworld.


You can organize a family meeting about the TV

programs you all watch, discuss the good and

bad sides of them and decide whether you will

continue to watch them.

As parents, you can give priority to informative

programs on television and become a role model

for your children.

You can decide on “a day without television” each

week and spend time with your children on that

day by playing games at home or outdoors and

reading a book. Thus, you can show your children

that you are not a slave of the colorful screen, by

spending a day without it.

You can choose printedmedia instead of visual me-

dia and buy informative and thematicmagazines for

your home.Thus, nothingwill be readily served, as

on television, and your childrenwill choosewith their

own interest andwonder.The point you should pay

attention to is choosing the right comic books and

magazines among themany located in themarket.

Pedagogue Didem Küt emphasizes

that keeping children away from tele-

vision is not possible in today’s world

and it is more appropriate for parents

to become role models and create a

platform for discussion about watc-

hing programs with their children ins-

tead of prohibiting television. We asked Küt to describe

the right approaches that would help solve the biggest

problem for most parents: “How should we treat our

children regarding television?”

Move together

Children should be encouraged to watch informative

and educational programs and films as these help them

to discover themselves and support the development

of their personalities. However, besides these positive

effects, children should be protected from spending a

huge amount of time in front of the television instead of

playing games and communicating with family mem-

bers. They should be protected from becoming a slave

to the television. Moreover, it is known that programs

and films containing pornographic and aggressive

content cause negative identification and behaviors for

children whose impulses are already difficult to control.

But children cannot be protected from the negative

effects of television by orders, directives or pressure.

Children should learn from their parents that the tele-

vision can be turned off from time to time. Parents who

spend most of their time watching television cannot

educate their children sufficiently and appropriately.

Sometimes, children cannot be prevented fromwatc-

hing inappropriate programs. In this case, it is beneficial

for parents to watch programs with their children so

they can evaluate together by talking about the good

and bad sides of programs.

Protect children fromviolent programs

Actions, heroes and protagonists in programs and

films that children can watch should feature predomi-

nantly positive chracteristics. Children who regularly

watch aggressive, violent and horror movies will be-

come distanced from realities, problems and troubles

of the world and the society they live in and unde-

restimate them. This alienation will sometimes make

them inclined to violence and sometimes numb their

humane and pity sentiments.

Watch the time

Children shouldn’t sit continuously in front of the tele-

vision for long periods of time. It is a fact that children

whowatch television all the time have concentration

problems, move around frequentlywithout thinking, and

are easily confused. It has been proven that watching

television for 10 hours or more in aweek affectsmen-

tal activities negatively. Also, it has been revealed that

childrenwhowatch television until late hours have sleep

disorders and this problemaffects their performance at

school, decreasing their participation in classes. Children

shouldn’t watch television for more than an hour a day

and parents should decidewhat kind of programs their

childrenwill watch.









October-November-December 2015