Green Crescent Receives “Respect for People” Award

Green Crescent Receives “Respect for People” Award, which works with some 20.000 employers, handed awards to those that responded to job applications in the fastest time and at the highest rate, as well as those employing the most people, at an event held in the Volkswagen Arena in İstanbul.

Green Crescent was one of only two NGO recipients of “Respect for People” award

Referring to its employees not as a resource, but an asset, Green Crescent Human Resources was one of only two NGOs handed a “Respect for People” award from among the more than 20.000 employers.

Organized by, as the main sponsor of the event, the award ceremony was hosted by writer Yekta Kopan. Votes are cast for the organization that attracts the most attention in the business world every year on the website. The summit was held for the 18th time this year, with awards handed to the most prestigious companies in terms of HR processes, branding and communication.