Dear devoted Friends of the Great Green Crescent,
Life is filled with stories. Each of us has one, of..
The Green Crescent aims to protect public health against the risk of addiction and to ensure that human dignity is respected. In all of its activities, the Green Crescent promotes mutual understanding, brotherliness, amity, cooperation and sustainable peace among people. The Green Crescent tries to prevent and ease addiction-induced suffering, wherever they may strike, using all of the assets of its national and international capacity.
While providing services, the Green Crescent does not discriminate against people based on their nationality, race, religious belief, class or political ideology. It focuses on easing addiction-based suffering, using the most effective measures in its capacity and giving priority to the most urgent and essential needs.
The Green Crescent is an independent non-governmental organization. Assisting public authorities in humanitarian activities, the Green Crescent is subject to international agreements that have been duly put into effect by the Republic of Turkey, and to the laws of Republic of Turkey, and within this scope, the Society retains the authority to enter into relevant international agreements and to act accordingly.
The Green crescent is a volunteer-based charitable foundation that does not seek personal or corporate benefits.
The Green Crescent is a volunteer-based non-governmental organization that makes use of its corporate capacity to come up with preventive programs to fight against all kinds of addictions and processes, especially those related to tobacco, alcohol and substances, and that tries to make effective use of the currently available therapies and treatment services to tackle addictions that have already taken hold.
The Green Crescent adopts an evidence-based research, analysis and intervention approach in its efforts to protect people from and prevent addictions, and to reinforce and/or modify behaviors while fighting against addictions in therapy and treatment phases.
Having equal status with the national associations of other countries engaged in the fight against addiction, and sharing responsibilities and tasks equally during mutual assistance studies, the Green Crescent’s intention is to create a global organization to fight against addictions on a global scale, to work as part of this organization in order to observe the issues on a global scale, to work globally, to function according to global standards, and to be effective and reputable.
According to the Green Crescent, being organized to raise public health awareness at all levels and in all settlements in the societies in which it serves, i.e. from the base to the representatives, and from the individuals to public institutions, and carrying out participatory studies at a public level are a requirement for sustainable success.