63rd CND

63rd CND

Green Crescent participated in the Commission on Narcotic Drugs Session which was organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and shared current researches regarding alcohol and substance addictions seen in migrants and women.
Green Crescent General Manager Sultan Işık has indicated the study which shows that 61 percent of women’s friends and 20 percent of women’s spouse or lover are the occasion in meeting alcohol and substances; which also indicated that the fırst contact with substance is occurred between the ages of 10-12 among the immigrants. Işık said “100 years as Green Crescent, Scientific data and evidence-based studies are conducting; by sharing our experience with organizations working in this field worldwide, we ensure that the struggle with addictions is strengthened globally". An exhibition of the works participating in the International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest was also opened to visit during the session, where 18 Country Green Crescents shared their case studies from their own countries.
Struggling with addiction based on scientificity, Green Crescent, attended the Commission on Narcotic Drugs Session (CND) organized by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Under the leadership of Turkish Green Crescent, executives of 18 countries attended the meeting held at the United Nations Office in Vienna, the capital of Austria, during 2nd- 6th March. Green Crescent representatives shared their experiences and works in 11 different sessions.
Green Crescent General Manager Sultan Işık in the session titled "100 Years of Experience: Evidence-Based Studies on Women, Migrants, and Other Vulnerable Profiles" gave a presentation concerning migration, addiction and addiction profile patients attending treatment in Turkey. Sultan Işık highlighted the following about the research results:
“When it comes to combating addiction with alcohol and substance use, examining different groups separately carries great importance both in terms of understanding the causes and creating solutions. We, as Green Crescent, have been carrying out studies based on scientific data and evidence for 100 years; by sharing our experience with organizations working in this field in the world, we ensure that the struggle with addictions is strengthened globally. When we look at our country today, women and the immigrant population emerge as groups that need to be closely examined and evaluated. There are a variety of personal and environmental factors and studies examining the Syrian immigrant’s alcohol and substance abuse and addiction in terms of individual and environmental risk factors affecting the addiction treatment for women in Turkey. We believe that these research results will shed light on the implementation of prevention policies.”
First contacted age of substance is 10-12
Işık, by sharing current data regarding the use of alcohol and substance among Syrian immigrants in Turkey, noted that “Research shows us that alcohol and substance use war not common in the early stages of migration, but they increased with increasing social difficulties. While the use of anti-anxiety and anti-depressants is especially high in women; Alcohol use is very common in the immigrant population. The single male population is the highest risk group in terms of substance and alcohol addiction. The first contact with the substance usually occurs between the ages of 10-12. Children who cannot go to school due to socio-economic conditions become open to addiction which makes early prevention policies a must.”
Işık, by indicating that a large portion of migrants are not planning to return to Syria in the near future, expressed that "All socio-economic problems, including the addiction of the migrants are Turkey's problem. Accordingly, institutionalized prevention, intervention, treatment, and rehabilitation programs should be carried out simultaneously with social compliance programs."
40 percent of addicted women are in the 25-34 age range
Işık emphasizing on women as another important group in substance use and addiction, she conveyed information about women addiction treatment affecting personal and environmental-related factors. According to the research, psychosocial problems related to substance use arise faster in women and appear more severe. Initiation and duration of treatment, concomitant psychiatric disorders, underlying medical and biological factors, and gender differences are stated as social factors that play a role in the treatment process.
 Işık stated that the primary factors are family and immediate surroundings, traumatic experiences and concomitant mental disorders when examining the reasons for starting and continuing substance use by women and she continued as follows:
 “We observe that 40 percent of addicted women are at the age range of 25-34; 61 percent of them are acquainted with substance or alcohol on the occasion of their friends and 20 percent of their spouse/lover. Research results show that 63 percent of the addicted women attempt suicide, and 32 percent of them face legal challenges. Exposure to social labels, financial difficulties, negative experience with previous treatment, and lack of knowledge regarding treatment prevent people from struggling against addiction. However, they still seek treatment for reasons such as physical withdrawal symptoms, breakdown in family relationships and risky behavior development. At this point, being accurately informed and getting support from experts in this field are of great importance with regard to the successful completion of the treatment process."
11 distinct addiction presentations from18 Country Green Crescents
In addition to Turkey, 18 Country Green Crescents which are Afghanistan, Albania, Bosnia, Brazil, Morocco, South Africa, Georgia, Montenegro, Kenya, Cyprus, Northern Macedonia, Malaysia, Nigeria, Serbia, Sudan, Uganda and Jordan have joined the 63rd CND.
With the Contributions of the Country Green Crescents session titled as follow were conducted “Community Action in Substance Abuse Prevention and Recovery, Supporting Effective Drug Education and Prevention Initiatives, Wastewater Analysis in Turkey, Prevention Without Borders: Effective Drug Policy in the Context of Balkans, Beyond Addiction Prevention: Empowering Young to Build up Their Future, Evidence-Based Treatment as an Integral Part of the Health System, The Voice of Africa: Prevention for Sustainability, Examples from 6 Countries, The Media, as Key Actor in the Field of Drugs, Drug-Free Workplace Programs: Supporting Prevention, Treatment and Recovery, Youth Participation in Drug Use Prevention: A Way to Build Healthy and Prosperous Communities and Societies.”
Winners of the International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest are in Vienna for the third time
The exhibition consisting of works of the winners of the International Green Crescent Cartoon Contest, organized by the Green Crescent to attract the attention of the public and particularly young people against addictions, was opened to the participants for the 3rd time this year throughout the sessions. The works that stand out in the contest, which has been organized for 4 years and attracted great interest of cartoonists from all over the world, won the appreciation of the visitors. Green Crescent drew attention not only with its scientific studies in the international arena, but also with its artistic works in this field.